The APRI 10 project ended in december 2020 and the results from the project have been compiled in a Final Report now published as SSM Report 2022:02.
Since the early 90’s APRI has run severe accident research projects in 3 year cycles. Recently the final report for the APRI 10 project was published. The APRI 10 final report presents research results from KTH, Chalmers and international projects regarding:
- core degradation in the reactor vessel,
- vessel failure modes,
- coolability of corium in the containment,
- the steam explosion phenomenon,
- chemical phenomena in the containment and
- uncertainty quantification regarding challenges to the containment as the final barrier.
Coverage of international research has enabled knowledge exchange and provided the project with large amounts of data about accident phenomena important for severe accident sequences. In the long run this will provide a stable foundation that helps to predict, assess and manage potential accidents involvning core damage in Swedish reactors.
The APRI 10 Final Report can be found here, and will shortly be available through the SSM website as SSM Report 2022:02.